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Intelligent Warehouse System

Huaheng intelligent warehousing system is an intelligent system composed of three-dimensional shelves, tracked alley stacker cranes, in/out conveying system, information recognition system, automatic control system, computer monitoring system, computer management system and other auxiliary equipment. The system adopts the first-class integrated logistics concept design, and coordinates all kinds of equipments to realize automatic warehouse operation through advanced control, bus, communication and information technology application.
  • Structure:
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  • Scope of use:
  • Product overview
  • Performance characteristics
  • Technical parameter

Intelligent warehousing system uses:

Intelligent warehousing is a part of the logistics process, the application of intelligent warehousing, to ensure the speed and accuracy of data input in all aspects of goods warehouse management, to ensure that the enterprise timely and accurately grasp the real data of the inventory, and reasonably maintain and control the enterprise inventory.

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